Tonight I went to the Canton Tower, the tower of 111 floors (if I’m not mistaken) and 610 meters that was built for the Asian Games in 2010, which took place in Canton, so I would like to speak a little about it for you.
First I went to a 7eleven history to buy a metro card, rechargeable card. For 20 yuan we have one (20 yuan still represent 5 to / metro if you do not go too far). The guy did not understand my English, “metro” or the equivalent in Chinese “地铁” so I had to write it on my phone in Chinese, but then it was. I am glad I did because the return there were 10 meters from tail to machines, and then like that at least no need to wait, we will directly where you want, no loss of time taking a token.

So I Went around 19h subway, I landed there, Looked a bit panels. There are Several “zones”, from A to E selon the altitude at qui you want to mount. It is to climb up the E qui area is 150 yuan. Ok, I mark the box, I grabs the ticket and go home. Past the entrance you get to the elevators. Of course for the lower floors there is no tail, aim to climb up there the tail. 30 minutes later I get on the elevator. While riding you can see the view of Canton, it’s still nice and a little impressive. We climb the 450 meters in 1 minute so for Those Who are sensitive eardrums like me it feels a bit, it will goal. At the top bah it’s cool goal entre les windows of the building and the water equivalent we do not see much I think, therefore I am retype 1 hour queue to climb-even Higher. In fact while at the top there are two activities: sky drop, a carousel qui rises to 485 meters (35 meters Higher na que le maximum That Can Be Achieved on the tower) and you loose a descending blow so super fast about 30 meters. On the first side of the tower you sit, so bah it takes a little guts anyway it will still profit. Especially once the top there is a splendid view Because everything is seen Canton, at night, to Almost 360, and Suddenly you loose you, And Then They forget very Quickly what we just saw. We do not see the ground, it just feels great fall quickly. It would be nice to take a picture, this goal is not possible, we must all leave before mounting. On the opposite side of the tower the ride is different. We are in a position a little up, and arrived at the top of the thing leans Slightly forward, so care has already That bit chips, aim for the descent, Having done one before it runs a little better. I finally I would want to see my not Either head. lol To the sky drop is 130 yuan more. Reviews The other activity is more quiet, They Are eggs like skiing That are hung on the edge of the tower and takes pictures while making the turn, really quieter and better for photographs. When I was at the top (bottom of the carousel so) I have not really beens ble to take pictures of it, since there’s the water equivalent of the tower quite hinder, the I would-have to get into the eggs hey goal couldn’t do everything.

After All That I finished Quickly back down (we can not stay too –other Because people are waiting) and I retype 30-minute queue for the elevator. In fact MOST of the time what is expected.

To exit not to take the path Sami to go so I just headed goal It was, just turn around and follow the signs to find the exit. I Took the subway, McDonalds Took myself a takeaway and back to the hotel

N For Those hungry for sensation I recommend the sky drop, and the coolest people with health problems or Those I recommend the eggs. I did it all alone, my friends are all busy, this is frankly not the best, I think two already That really got to be more fun, Especially For waiting and sharing.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at 10am in an amusement park, I think the day will be filled today, aim the experience tonight Was still pretty darn interesting.

Hello, I will summarize my last days in Chengdu and I arrived in Guangzhou. As I said Wednesday night I returned late Thursday bah suddenly I have a little gland. Lifted in early afternnon ‘I ate and I prepared my arrival in Canton (hotel booking, etc.). In the evening I went to the reception of the guest house to plan something for Friday. No foreign group planned So I signed up for 3 places to visit 2 hours from Chengdu with a Chinese group, which for me is 100 times better when I am in China I always look immersion. Friday morning wake up at 6am so for an appointment at 6:20 in front of the hotel. The guide shows up at 6:45, and I get on the bus. There he begins to explain the course of the day in Chinese so I not pick up much (he spoke for 40 minutes easy), just the basics. After 1h30 you arrive in a small place, with shells indescribable war. Apparently nothing interesting for me so the guide advised me to stay on the bus, I said “start the day.” lol 45 minutes later about one goes to another place and there begins the visit. We enter a place called Feishayan which is made ​​irrigation of the region around. In season of rain water is stored in the dry season and it is used to irrigate. It’s super great, we stayed about 2 hours and to cross rivers each time there were rope bridges and planks, so people amused themselves to rock the whole and it was pretty funny. During that first visit I met the Chinese group I was with, it was nice, I have to be on a lot of pictures. I was a little afraid it was only old but in fact it was rather young so cool. I sailed all day between Chinese and some English with mainly two couples my age. I took many pictures of this first “spot” and I read the signs in English because the explanations of the guide were hard to follow. Around 11:30 we go back on the bus to go eat. The food was not great, finally happening to me, I would say worse than what I ate at the plant in Shenyang. We ate in 30 min or less, so quite fast, 2 bowls of rice and poof, it was gone.

The visit continued with the second place, I lost the Chinese name of them but they are mountains east of Chengdu. It was roughly 12:30 I think, the guide told us to come back around 15h, it seemed to me long but in fact it was necessary that.

So I start with the people in the group who are motivated to climb the mountain. At first it’s quiet and then quickly enough that Corsican. The steps are small, there are hundreds, so it’s a little slippery wet, provide good shoes. The climb lasted about 1:30, so I think have exceeded the 1,000 steps. Around 14h we had that one back down because we did not have time to go to the top. I was a little disappointed, I would have gone well at the end but not the time, so much the worse. So we go back down and after a few minutes we stop at a temple. I buy a coke at 10 yuan (3 in town but you have to climb up the bottles and therefore more expensive) and I enter the temple. Not bad for Chinese start on small “chairs” to pray. After a few minutes we continue to descend. For lack of time we took a cable car to 35 yuan. The cable does not go to the bottom, there are still 30 minutes of walking behind. Towards the end there is a lake with a temple, the whole is quite nice to see, but not great either. After a few minutes downhill is arrived at the bottom, we rest a little and you board the bus to visit the last place.

After about 5 minutes of bus it started to rain quite dramatically. As well as the arrival to the last place of the tour nobody wanted to go down, there were 5 cm of water parterre. After some negotiation we finally all come down. It is mounted in a small cart to reach the city. Again I have no name in Chinese, should I seek, but it is a small town and village built in traditional style with lots of shops and stalls to eat outside, very friendly. We were lucky that the rain stops right when we arrived. The guide has let us ride around quietly, I sat with the other to a small restaurant to eat liang mian (cold noodles). Super good, but the end was very spicy so he has had a little chewing gum mint to get it all. We stayed a while in the area to visit the different stands, watching people spread the paste on several meters to make noodle, etc. After all that back to small carts to return to the bus and returned to Chengdu. We left around 17h and we arrived at around 18h45 Chengdu, just the time it took to get some sleep. On arrival I have not been submitted to my hotel so I got a little lost, I asked my way and I finally found after a good 20 minutes, haha.

Once back at the hotel I had roughly an hour to me slowly towards her and come out. I had an appointment with the friends I met on Wednesday night. In the square near the hotel every evening there is a sort of military parade with some patriotic songs, I looked quickly made ​​a short video and I left. I found a friend I refourgue her French fruit pastes and joined the others in the cinema.

We went to see Ice Age 4, not a bad movie, pretty gentillet it allows you to relax, and I did not sleep, hehe, so it should not be that bad because I ‘ was really tired. The film was in English subtitled in Chinese, not hard to understand the dialogues are not downright difficult.

Then we went out to eat something, some shui jiao (ravioli in soup) and then we walked about 1 hour in the city before saying goodbye and returning around 2am. The day was exhausting but I’m broke. ^^
The next morning I get up around 9:30 am, up at 10am in the car to the airport. The time of arrival boarding it announces a delay. Finally the plane took off 1:30 late. Canton arrived I get into a taxi, yes it is expensive to the town (a little less than 150 yuan) but when we loaded it’s still more convenient and less hassle.

The hotel is class but fortunately, compared to 130 yuan per night than I was paying in Chengdu here I pay 430 yuan so best. There are fridge and all you need, you can order some food into his room and there is a restaurant on the 2nd floor, which can be convenient, but I prefer not to “lock me up” to do that just to help out when I do not have time. The area (in Tian He District) is super quiet, but there is not much around. I mean not full of small restaurant and small shops. Luckily the metro is really close so it will allow to move easily, finally before midnight because after it closes. At night I just went for a drink with a friend and I went home.

I would give more news later, tomorrow I’m going to an amusement park with friends, it should be fun, hehe. 
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