Nam Du … from when I saw the pictures of this region in May, I’ve been thinking about it for so long, I told myself that I had to go for it this place, and finally that day has come, everything from recruiting riders, up plan, put car, train tickets are themselves known within one week package.
Min 23h 6 27/06 / my delegation composed of 10 persons on the bus from Saigon to Rach Kien Giang Price-, like every other trip, this time I also recruited the majority of new ones have yet to meet now, those of you just talk on facebook now be his “seduction” go.

Yes 6h both delegations were present at the bus station Kien Giang province, we rented motorbike passenger speed boat to the wharf is about 15km to the south Du.

Nam Du Train travel 1 day only run one single trip at 8h15, especially these days, the ship did not run up the sea, the day before his day was his first go at Nam Du Seven ships newspaper that day not run because of rough seas , his day to go running or not remains unknown, I think, “never mind go to college and then work next Rach” very lucky just to Rach Soi bus station, the train received, relieved.

Nam Du Tau 220k price 1 person of the 440k, passengers traveling east, virtually no voids, go from Rach Gia to Nam Du takes about 3 hours, you do not get used car sickness or sea sickness, you should buy motion sickness medication intake for sure, my day go see everyone was drunk because pretty big sea life.

After 3 hours at sea finally the whole crew is out to Hon Lon Nam Du archipelago, Big Island has many residents living, mostly as fishing, landing on his island quite impressed by because very few people take the offer motorbike rental or vacation rental.

I was booking lunch Sat Nam Du him before, while on his home island Seven sisters who led the cafeteria always go without loss of space for eating, after toilet, eating is done, rest to 12:15 both Group walk the pier, preparing to train to visit the small island in Nam Du archipelago.

As its title slightly regretted her day sailing slightly, so the train does not go in many small islands, but to go straight Hon Dau where they will camp overnight.

Hon Though the waters are in … ah but not with me, then at Nam Du archipelago seawater in place yet, if shallow, the fish are seen swimming too.

Unlike other times before this time his seafaring experience is much rowing basket, catch pinch, especially her favorite was probably the fishing, fish at Hon Dau lot standing on the shore can catch it, throw sentence to see the original Predator fish wealth bu always, the group of more than 10 children and then go catch pinch to dark roast sip.

You do not have to worry what the Nam Du assured eat it then, just diligent spent around 30 minutes fishing alone is sure you will have a hearty meal bbq fish, not to mention a lot more pinch, can do 1 broth was delicious but pinch.

After fishing, paddle boats, coconut water drink finished off the whole crew were transported to the Hon Ngang supper, the meal was finished we went rotation Hon Ngang to see people live like. Hon Ngang leave a bad impression on her because there was a lot of trash, garbage from the sea unknown or drift and throw people out, where to go and see trash, the population on the island is quite crowded so I feel cramped.

Vision 7.30pm train back through his group welcomed the Hon Dau Island Oil on the way the group was put on one boat has caught on to buy seafood, to tell her this trip very lucky in terms dining, Seven fresh ink him and to buy cheap, is to buy crab fishing boats make a living, any such child to a hand, one who ate one child is always satisfied.

Ships take the party back to Hon Dau go in the night, the feeling goes dark blind sea around it odd, I really admire the fishermen fishing for months, at sea.

Hon Dau Go to start group group campfires, beer steamed crab recipe, squid, scallops, fish statements made baked goods, must recognize seafood feast extremely hearty but cheap too.

After blessing the whole group started up tents ready for bed, I and some friends sat eight first conversation with him Saturday, hope next time to go back to this place, it remains unspoiled and yet unexploited human hands have intervened in this place.

On her away is not good weather, morning clouds cover the sun, as the party regretted his pain because not watch the sunrise over the sea, but to add one went to bed barbecue, 8AM 1 1 seafood noodle bowl , drinking coconut water then aboard the Big Island lighthouse climb prepare.

When leaving your boat Hon Dau for feeling nostalgic this place, especially with two little friends, but we met but it is very friendly, enthusiastic, 2 children showed both groups from the fishing and caught pinch , rowing basket.

Train takes the party on the Big Island at 9:30, high-speed train running from the Big Island in Rach Gia starting at 12 am, the group only to climb mountains and go back to pulsars to keep up my train.

Nam Du Farewell, farewell him Saturday, parting with the little friend, leaving her much nostalgia can not do yet, so that I have a reason to return to this place, then, the most recent appointment day I will visit the pristine islands wonderful.

Surfers paradise Mui Ne was formerly a fishing village on an isolated stretch of sand, but was due to the rise of mass tourism transformed into one long street of resorts, which extends over 10 km along the sea. If only advantage one can hereby find that many hotels are opting for low-rise buildings surrounded by beautiful gardens. It is unfortunate that the fishermen are displaced by the ever growing tourism and are only limited.

One faces here with a large erosion, which ensures that the hotels their beaches gradually losses at sea. The high sand dunes near protect the unique microclimate, making it only half the rainfall has to the rest of the region.

In the village teeming indeed of tourists, the Russians have massively discovered this destination. A walk along the busy street brings us to some fresh fish restaurants, where we have our evening thankful feast on a delicious meal of fish to choose from one of the aquariums.

To visit the area in one day, let us once again tempted to take an organized tour. This time we will be only five participants, as excursions are offered in small jeeps.

First stop is still in the village itself, Fairy Stream, for us the best thing that we see today. We walk by a small stream with clear water up, on a base of soft white, yellow, orange to red sand and surrounded by tall beautiful sandstone formations in many colors. Our walk ends at a waterfall.

On the way to the white sand dunes, we stop at a fishing village. Here are mainly blue colorful fishing boats, and the funny round (diameter +/- 1.2 meters) sloops resembling half a nutshell. This boat fishermen to use their larger boat or they to throw out a fishing line.

The white sand dunes do not cover such a large area, it would be nice to have if it is not crawling with tourists who walk, glide of the dunes on a piece of plastic, about quad biking, … it looks like an anthill. We walk over the top of the first big dune and try to get past the crowds, but before that we lack time.

Our last stop is orange-red dunes, where we will admire the sunset. Again, far too many people, the color of the dunes is what turned out … maybe because today there is not really a beautiful sunset through clouds.

Once again we are a bit disappointed by this organized trip, offered massively. Everyone follows the same route … at the same time!

Consequence: masses of people who disturb scenic views and tranquility, which is normal. The exaggerated organization of the Vietnamese is not really set up thought.

To it:
sleeper (traveled day) Ho Chi Minh City – Mui Ne: 105,000 VND per person, 5 ½ hours on the go
Nathalie’s Nhan Hoa Resort, 15 USD for a clean second room with bathroom (hot water), overlooking the pool and the sea, quiet garden and terrace, air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, free WIFI, restaurant is not much, tel. ( 062) 384 73 71, km15, rating: 4/5.
Fairy Stream + dunes: 210,000 VND per person booked for the afternoon excursion by jeep to STA Travel (new name for Victor tourist company).
This tour is one to avoid. He promised us an English speaking guide, max. 4 people on the tour, visiting five locations. There was no guide and the driver spoke no English, we were fifth in the jeep, but we visited four locations. The lake would be full of blooming lotus flower … that would have been just fine!
Tip: rent a moped, everything is very easy to find along the way, so you avoid the crowds and have a lot more time to admire everything.

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